Become a Sponsor of Your Local Community Radio Station
KCR 102.5 FM is a not-for-profit community radio station that works hard to be the top station covering the Perth Hills and surrounding area.
We provide a mixture of local, national and international artists covering almost every music genre including easy listening, pop, rock, country, jazz, classical and much more. Our varied presenters share their wide knowledge of music with all our listeners and we have a devoted listener base.
Rather than advertising as such, we offer different sponsorship packages.
These include:
- Live promotion of your company or product
- Sponsorship of a particular program
- Providing an introductory clip before news or weather
- Sponsoring our streaming service, podcasts or this website.
There are options available for every budget whether you are a small company that wants to promote your specialised product or a large company wanting to promote your “brand”.
Whilst sponsorship is very similar to Radio Advertising there are three major differences:
- In community radio terms an advert is called a promotion
- Your promotion will have “station sponsor” as an end tag
Whilst commercial stations can play commercials every three minutes, community radio can only broadcast sponsorships for a total period of five minutes in any one hour. In fact, this has advantages for sponsors. Having just five minutes in any one hour means that the sponsorship announcements are evenly spread throughout the day. They are not ‘clustered’ into blocks and your message will have more impact on your target audience.
Email us at if you are interested in becoming a sponsor and we will get in touch as soon as possible.
The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia carries out regular surveys of listeners to community radio. Here are some data visualisations from June 2022 (Click To Enlarge):